Art and Craft in the Maldives
Perhaps most exclusively produced Wooden lacquer ware involves the process of shaping and hollowing out pieces of wood to form beautifully crafted boxes, vases and ornaments. Made from local woods which grows abundantly throughout the country, they come in various shapes and sizes. These elegant pieces of art are lacquered in strands of red, black and yellow resin and delicately carved with flowing flowery-patterns.
Beautiful reed mats are woven throughout the Country but the most famous are made in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll on Gadhdhoo island. Reeds are dried under the sun and stained with natural dyes, the color varying between fawn and black. These mats with designs are woven by hand according to the weavers' imagination.
Also popular wooden fish, colorful wraps, miniature of Dhonis - typical Maldivian boats; ornaments, etc.